Minutes of SGS Web Committee

Friday, October 17, 2014 7pm.

True North Church Cafe

1101 Lakeland Avenue,

Bohemia, NY

PRESENT: John J., Chairperson; Chris D., Terry M., Kathy B., Tom C., Joanne C., Pat and Michele.

Started out in “Living Room” and was made aware that we were not allowed to use the room so we moved to the café.

Introductions:  We introduced ourselves to our new member Pat.  Were very entertaining it took approximately 5 minutes.

Chair’s Report:  John showed us the map of Suffolk County.  John from out east is our map maker.  It’s not on the web yet.  Turning over map to Consultant, Dave Campbell, Three Rings Media, to get an estimate to see how much it will cost to turn it into an interactive item.  Click on space and a drop down will appear with a list of towns.  If you click on the town it will go to Intergroup Meeting List for the meetings in that town.  Most of our committee will be rotating out in January.  (John reminded Joanne AGAIN, not to scare the newcomer!)  The website will be hosted, by the end of the year, SENY and all the web committee will have to do is maintain it and handle the email.

Joanne asked a question, Will you (John & Terry) be available for consultation?  (Witty banter.)  Yes, of course they will.

Aaseny.org/county-pages/Suffolk is the web page where you can view the site.  It is long and it will change possibly to Suffolk.aaseny.org.

Email has been pushed off to the first quarter of next year.  So we will have to keep our email for now. Keep email from existing host.  Next time we renew (third week of November) with 1 and 1 so we will need to have a Workshop.  Our policy is that we assign an individual their own anonymous email regardless of what position they hold.  Discussion ensued.  Tommy thinks there should be an app.  John reassured Tom that he hasn’t forgotten about the app.  Final decision will be made next meeting.  Not sure if the SENY email will ever be implemented to where it will assist the counties.  Feels we should set up a subscription with Mail Chimp or at least set it up for those taking over in January.

Also, John is a candidate for SENY Web Chair.  There is another person on the list.  Not sure if he will take it even if he is asked.



Workshop will be November 9, 2014, 10-4 PM.  What type of food – Comfort food!  Beef Stew, Chicken Pot Pie, Real Mashed Potatoes, Salad.  A Pistachio Cake for Joanne’s Birthday.

We will have to return money to the county.

Meeting adjourned 7:45 pm.

Minutes respectfully submitted by Michele E.