1. The use of newer web technologies and multimedia devices will only be permitted on the Suffolk General Service (SGS) website provided they do not divert us from our primary purpose. Functionality of the web site takes precedence over the visual effect of the website.
2. The SGS website will only use first names and last initials to identify people. The use of an “identifier” such as “James the Plumber” will be prohibited. In addition, phone numbers and personal email addresses are prohibited. The SGS website email addresses will be used to contact SGS officers, chairpersons, and DCMs.
3. The SGS website will post a disclaimer which indicates that the website is neither endorsed nor approved by A.A. World Services Inc. or any other A.A. Entity.
4. The SGS website shall maintain external links to the following: A.A. World Services, A.A. Grapevine, S.E.N.Y., and Suffolk Intergroup Association.
5. The SGS website will be reviewed as part of the SGS County Inventory every two years.
6. Oversight of the SGS website shall be the responsibility of Suffolk County General Service acting through the SGS Technology Committee.