Minutes ~ Suffolk General Service Meeting ~ June 15, 2012


  • Moment of  Silence followed by the Responsibility Declaration
  • Minutes ~ from May 18, 2012 Meeting ~  accepted/ abstain 1
  • Traditions ~  read by Lisa R
  • A.A. Anniversaries ~ 3
  • Introduction of new GSR’s ,DCM’s and Alternates ~ 13
  • Volunteers for clean up ~ Matt, Tony, David
  • Volunteers for June Greeters ~ Ed, Kathy, Lisa
  • Opened at 8:00 pm, 79 in attendance


Officer’s Reports

       DCMC ~ Rob M.

  • Aaseny.org for information from post conference assembly
  • Attended area service participation meeting
  • 43rd and final NY State convention July 20-22nd   see the Link for details
  • Available to speak on traditions and for group inventories
  • There will be discussion on Post general service  conf report after the meeting


Alt. DCMC ~ Jarrett

  • Next committee meeting October 1st, 2012
  • LI Sprirituality through service – next planning meeting July 5th, 2012 7:30pm at Queens intergroup office
  • Attended SENY workshop in Yorktown Heights


There is a conflict with our next meeting and NYS convention, both on July 20th


Treasurer ~ report given by Jarrett

  • Corrections connections but trip-problems with bus company-they are refunding $500 to be reflected in next months report
  • Corrections trip is not fully accounted for
  • Motion to accept minutes, seconded, accepted 45 opposed 1 abstain 2


Registrar ~ NA/NR



Concept VI: Bill C


Passing around a sign up sheet for pizza for the meeting after the meeting


District Meetings: 10 minutes


Standing Committee Reports:


Archives-Bob- attended SIA archives committee meeting.  Talked to outgoing chair-was working on indexing and cataloging into books, need volunteers to help out finishing up project.  Met with SENY archives chair thay are looking for articles about anyone having their anonymity broken – send to JD@archivesaaseny.org.  Got permission to make a loaner copy of NERAASA 2011 cd’s, sign up to borrow.  Want to digitize all the paper records.  Jim recommended software that cost $500.  Want to form a committee to scan everything.  Record and document history of suffolk county GS, didn’t start until 70’s.  Record and document the history of the Unity Breakfast.  Conference room reserved tomorrow at 10am to start inventory on archives.


Can we distribute the NERAASA through MP3’s?  Only allowed to make a copy to lend, can not give it to people.

NERASAA should not be part of our archives, it doesn’t have anything to do with suffolk general service.

If anyone knows of any suffolk events recorded we would like a copy.

Go to aa seny website they have something about SENY’s relationship with NERAASA

Corrections- Doug V. – NA/NR

CPC – Joanne – first committee meeting on 5/31 we reviewed guidelines.  Committee created s/t and l/t goals.  First s/t goal would be to work with emergency room staff in local hospitals.  L/T discussion about reaching out to CPS, assisted living facilities and nursing homes.  Next meeting on June 24th 3pm at SIA office.  Working toward CPC video workshop, please sign up, either on July 28th or 29th.

Grapevine- Chris C – NA/NR

LiteratureJosh P – NR

LICYPAA Liason- Mike R-NA/NR

Public Information- Tom C-committee meeting finished schools mailing, next meeting is first Tuesday in Sept.  Attended the SIA PI committee meeting.  How many schools were interested? Public school interest was high.

Service Sponsorship VACANT –

Share A thon liason- Michelle – Theme is KISS, date will be either Oct 14th or 28th.  Workshops run by Al Anon, GSO, groups.  Next meeting is July 10th in Riverhead.  Potential issue of St Joe’s doubling cost of event.  Budget was passed with double amount of last year.

Special Needs – Michelle –July 21st next meeting

LI Spirituality through service- Jarrett- NR

Suffolk Intergroup LiasonTom C-problem with having enough time to conduct meeting, decided not to move meeting, stay at Cleary.  Consider moving the meeting to Phelps Lane-to be discussed next month.  New meeting list should be out July.

Service Participation ChairDevelyn A. – workshop this Wednesday in Lindenhurst – there will be round tables on CPC, archives, special events, PI, treatment

Web Committee- John-please sign up for the web committee.  Any committees that might need projector please let me know.

        Can we put assembly information on our website? SENY is working to get county level information on their event page.

Is someone updating site? Jarrett tries to coordinate with the webmaster who is unavailable.

Can finding a webmaster be the committee’s main priority?

Writing Committee-VACANT-

Unity Breakfast –

Group Conscience committee- Dean-NA/NR June 26th is first meeting

George DCM district 111- 46 people came down to movie night, great night

Hispanic share a day -Nelson successful event, hopefully more people will come to next event.


Wasn’t considered to hire someone for webmaster because it wasn’t in the budget.

Old Business:


Motion to increase prudent reserve by $3,000- motion to adjourn to next meeting, seconded

In favor 50 abstain 2


We should talk about group inventory.

If anyone has any concerns please bring them up now.


We spent too much time on reading the traditions and we don’t have time to get to business.

People should ask questions and attend training to learn about GSR.

Out of 50 items on inventory most dealt with confusion – we addressed with power point presentation, a list of service sponsors.  As far as time being an issue we can address with the agenda committee.


Most of the people that were here during inventory are not here now, the new people don’t know what’s going on, we should move on.


We were reading inventory items 10 at a time and people complained it was too fast, maybe that was the best way to do it.

Maybe have a special meeting to go over inventory.

Purpose of inventory is to take info and focus on myself and how I can improve with that information.

There has been action to address inventory items.

We have to have 10 minutes put aside every month because that’s what we agreed on originally


Make a motion that we begin discussing group inventory at 8:30pm at July 20th meeting with everyone having a copy of the minutes.



The issues on the inventory have been addressed and resolved since we took it, these discussion are keeping us here late.  We have noticed a big difference in a lot of the issues that were brought up.  The inventory has helped us to move forward.


This hasn’t been approached in a business like manner. It was an oversight that the inventory wasn’t on the agenda.


Let’s go over it next month to tie up loose ends


Alcoholics like to argue with each other, especially at business meetings, there should be some way to get this overwith. Table it to August.


Amendment to change to August.


NYS informational workshop is on the same date as our meeting in August.  Constantly talking about this is unattractive.

In favor 33

Opposed 12

Abstain 7

Minority opinion-none


If you are going to NYS convention talk with Jarrett for car pools.

New business:


Motion to close