Minutes ~ Suffolk General Service Meeting ~ July 20, 2012


  • Moment of  Silence followed by the Responsibility Declaration
  • Minutes ~ from June 15, 2012 Meeting ~  accepted 35 opposed 0 abstain 0
  • Traditions ~  read by Lucy
  • A.A. Anniversaries ~ 9
  • Introduction of new GSR’s ,DCM’s and Alternates ~ 10
  • Volunteers for clean up ~ Steve, Matt, Bill
  • Volunteers for August Greeters ~ Sal, Susan, Lucy
  • Opened at 8:00 pm, 80 in attendance

Officer’s Reports

       DCMC ~ Rob M. NA


  • Third legacy elections, are you available to serve for the county or SENY?


Alt. DCMC ~ Jarrett

  • Please see agenda for details



Treasurer ~ Susan

  • SENY assembly in September but no date yet
  • We have not gotten the $500 refund
  • Line 42 for DCM’s, reimbursement for mileage, if you need forms see Susan
  • Web committee money is gone?  It’s just not segregated now
  • In favor 51 opposed 0 abstain 3


Registrar ~ Tom

  • Apologies for old sign in sheet, computer problems



Concept VII: Terry M


District Meetings: 10 minutes


Kathy new Alt DMC for 105 Lucy DCM 105

Kathy Secretary for 113

Michaela secretary for 119


Standing Committee Reports:



Corrections- Doug V. – I need someone to take over the commitment until December.  The next meeting is Sept 23rd and I will go with who ever will take over.

CPC – Joanne – 8 people in attendance at our first committee meeting, talking about an emergency room project for all the ER’s in suffolk county.  We need help.  Trying to get contacts in each hospital in each district.  If anyone is interested in CPC, Josh has literature in the back.  Next Sunday 29th 1-2:30pm at SIA office we will have “at the movies with CPC”

Grapevine- Chris C – NR

LiteratureJosh P – NR

LICYPAA Liason- Mike R-NA/NR

Public Information- Tom C-meeting every third Tuesday at suffolk intergroup office, working on mailings to hotels/motels with a card and a meeting list.  Next meeting for SENY is in September

Service Sponsorship – NR

Share A thon liason- Michele –

Special Needs – Michele –

LI Spirituality through service- Jarrett- NR

Suffolk Intergroup LiasonTom C

Service Participation ChairDevelyn A. – Thinking about having an event again in November, my email is on the website if you would like to help out.  Does anyone have an service manuals to return to our lending library?  Does anyone need a manual?

Web Committee- John- The website is currently up to date!   The website is not about the web committee, it’s about you.  Chris will be contacting committee chair people to see what they would like on the website.  Matt will be contacting DCM’s.  We are looking to improve the site as much as we can, anyone who has anything to say about the site talk to anyone in the committee.

Writing Committee-VACANT-

Unity Breakfast –

Group Conscience committee- Dean-was asked to get the group conscience into written form.  5 people came to first meeting, worked out the purpose of meeting.  Going to get what we do here in writing in order.  We have some minutes from 80’s, half from 90’s and all from 2000 to present.  We are going to put together all the group conscience onto one sheet.  Next meeting is 7/24/12 at SIA office 7pm.


Old Business:

Motion to increase prudent reserve by $3,000- motion to adjourn to next meeting, seconded


We voted for 3k to be allocated to web committee so do we have it?

Our prudent reserve is one or two months which is what we have had for the past 8 years.  SENY has 12 months reserve.

The money is still there for web committee but Rob said we may not have to spend it.

Prudent reserve covers everything.


The prudent reserve is in the general fund so we are not changing the balance we are just allocating to another line.  We are trying to modernize our model to match what other service entities are doing.


It would increase to a balance of 5,500, the available balance will be 771.  This would make us have 9 months prudent reserve.

Our home group has a prudent reserve for one year, that is in the service handbook as a recommended prudent reserve


If the available balance was 771, how would we use money out of the prudent reserve? We would bring it up as new business and we would vote on it.  This balance is for unforseen expenses which would have to be voted on, all recurring expenses are budgeted for each year.


How can we have an available balance if we haven’t allocated to the website?  Was told by Rob to remove because it is most likely we won’t need to spend the money, it will come from somewhere else.


Are the expenses for Rob going to convention coming out of his budget? No.



New business:


Motion to close