
  • Moment of  Silence followed by the Responsibility Declaration
  • Minutes ~ from August 17, 2012 Meeting ~  minutes amended and accepted
  • Traditions ~  read by John
  • A.A. Anniversaries ~ 9
  • Introduction of new GSR’s ,DCM’s and Alternates ~ 13
  • Volunteers for clean up ~ Derek, Nelson, Bob, Laura
  • Volunteers for October Greeters ~ Mark, Allison, Mary
  • Opened at 8:00 pm, 85 in attendance

Officer’s Reports

       DCMC ~ Rob M.

  • SENY AREA 49 Assembly, Rockland county 10am-3pm

Alt. DCMC ~ Jarrett

  • SENY AREA 49 Committee meeting Oct 1st

Treasurer ~ Susan

  • Change balance for web site allocation to $3,000.  Available balance, line 75, changes to $2,745.83.  Treasurers report accepted

Registrar ~ Tom

  • Please return filled out registration sheets

Concept VIIII: Read by Jarrett

District meetings – 10 min

Standing Committee Reports:

Archives-Bob- NA

Big Meeting-Cyndy-NA Lisa-Big Meeting Nov 10th 5pm, Remaining Teachable is topic, food and speaker

Corrections- VACANT

CPC – Joanne-

Grapevine- Chris C – NR Bob R there is a flyer for saving the Grapevine, bring it to your home groups, can we come visit your group?

LiteratureJosh P – NR

LICYPAA Liaison- Matt- we meet second Monday of the month in South Oaks chapel 8:15pm

Public Information- Tom C- attended committee meeting; Project for sending out speaking PSA’s is being worked on, public service announcement.  All radio stations have to do a certain amount of PSA’s.  Working on a project with CPC, emergency room project, meeting Oct 14th 1pm at Suffolk intergroup office.  Sending out Anonymity letters to radio, press and newspapers.

Service Sponsorship Kathy B – Please see me if you need a service sponsor, call, email, or on the bus tomorrow

Share A thon liaison- Michele- 5 slots allotted for GSO, we need 10 speakers, chair people, DCM’s, Alt DCM’s for speaking.  Also need 2 moderators.

Special Needs – Michele – Oct 27th at the True North church 1-3pm, special needs 101.

LI Spirituality through service- Jarrett- event is on the agenda

Suffolk Intergroup LiasonTom C– the exchange meeting is being reviewed to see how it can be made better, more organized.  End of season picnic, Sunday Sept 30th 10-4pm RSVP

Service Participation ChairDevelyn A.- NR NA

Treatment Bridging the Gap- Nicole-NA Joanne gave report-need volunteers for temporary contacts, take forms back to home groups, bring back next month.

Web Committee- John- current site is up to date, before meeting today we agreed to not go out and hire someone to code website, we have decided to take advantage of free website development by people in GS. We are going to put together a replacement for current site.  We have a prototype site created, by end of October we will have a site for you to look at.  How many people are on the committee?  10.  Is it going to cost nothing? No, there are certain things we might have to buy and certain events we might have to hold.  Is there going to be a forum? Most likely yes.  Will we be able to know how many people visit the site?  Can find out.  What software are we using?  Working with Word press.  Can we announce anniversary’s on the site rather than the mailings?

Writing Committee-VACANT-

Unity Breakfast

Group Conscience committee- Dean-

Kevin T gives service resume for Corrections chair none opposed

Linda C would like Unity Breakfast chair, not in attendance, anyone apposed? no

Old Business:

Issue of increasing prudent reserve by $3,000- Can we say that the prudent reserve is, for example, 6 months expenses rather than a dollar amount

How would the change to the web committee allocation affect our balance?  puts us in the hole.

Friendly amendment to change to % of a 6 month amount

Motion to table to next meeting For 48 Opposed 5

Prayer chair-this person has the authority to interject in the meeting to call for a prayer.

That job is done by the DCMC and having a person with separate commitment will be distracting.

Someone can call for a prayer and we lose our momentum.

It is completely necessary because people’s ego’s DO get in the way, it is absolutely necessary

Don’t think we need a prayer chai

Motion to call the question for 53 opposed 1

Vote: for: 8 opposed 48 abstain 5

Minority opinion-coming here is very difficult, our primary purpose is to stay sober and help AA

Issue of the website allocation-would like to withdraw the motion, seconded.

New business:

Make a motion to add serenity prayer to beginning of meeting, seconded.

Motion to table for 40 opposed 7 abstain 1

Make a motion to have inventory on non-election year so that we have a one month break instead of two, seconded

We have an inventory when we do so the new people coming in know what to work on.  Also, SENY takes a 3 month break in the summer so 2 months shouldn’t be a problem.

We are not allotted the same time as assembly’s are allotted so skipping two months is not the same.

New officers should know what the group’s conscience is coming in to the commitment.

I seconded the motion because we saw changes after the non-election year inventory we did, inventory is a good tool to change as we go.

Vote For:15 against 28 abstain 3

Minority opinion-non

September group conscience meeting is Sept 25th at 7 pm to finish discussion of groups conscience coming from thearchives.  Dean J is the chair

Motion to close