Minutes of SGS Web Committee

Friday, July 19, 2013, 7pm.

Trinity Evangelical Lutheran

ChurchNursery School

716 Rte. 25A Rocky Point, NY


PRESENT: John J., Chairperson; Chris D., Kathy B., Nicole L. (Reporter At-Large), and Michele E., Sue – guest.

Minutes read and approved.

Chair’s Report

  • John reviewed the workshop that was held at Starbuck’s with Chris and Michele.  This workshop was to teach Chris and Michele how to post meeting minutes to the website.  (Michele needs a sign on.)  The workshop was a resounding success.
  • John explained that 1&1 should not be in an individual’s name and should be under Suffolk General Service.  He will discuss with Jarrett how to go about this.
  • The Chair introduced Nicole L. as one of our “Reporters At-Large”.  She will gather general interest stories, events and information which will be posted to the home page of the website.  Problem – it’s not working.
  • Tuesday, July 16th the “Geeks” met and they are working on the above problem.  Also, categorizing is not working and Amy is working on that bug.
  • In regard to the money for the website, Terry and John talked about it at length and Amy is doing an enormous amount of work on the site and there must be a line drawn between volunteering and “paid work” on the site.  This guideline must be set up, as Amy will not always be with us.  A quoting system must be put in place and the money will be used to pay the contractor(s).
  • Map of SuffolkCounty by District.  This needs to be created and John prefers the nerds to do this.
  • We would like to set up a subscription service for those A.A.s who wish to have it.  This way an email will be sent to subscribers monthly to let them know what is going on within SGS.  This will need a paid technician to guarantee continuity. We will need to get quotes.  The estimated cost will be about $2,000, which will leave about $600 for workshops.
  • This summer John is hoping to get all the bells and whistles in place on the website along with the content.
  • Also, we would like to be able to access statistics.  How many hits to the site.  1&1 shows an average of 200 hits a day.  Google Analytics is what we would like to use, but on 07/02 it showed 4,000 hits.  This is a robot.  ASKMET will prevent robots from crawling the site.


Questions from the Committee –

  • Chris D.:  There is $700 in the budget, what is that used for?  Answer:  This is used for travel to the City for SENY committee meetings, and fees.
  • Kathy B.:  Isn’t there a map in the General Service Office that we can use?  Answer:  Not that John is aware of.  He will look into it further.


Our next meeting will be on August 16, at 7 pm.

Meeting adjourned 7:50 pm.

Minutes respectfully submitted by Michele E.