Minutes of SGS Web Committee

Friday, June 21, 2013, 7pm.

Trinity Evangelical Lutheran

ChurchNursery School

716 Rte. 25A Rocky Point, NY


PRESENT: John J., Chairperson; Terry, Chris D., and Michele E.,

No Previous minutes.

Chair’s Report

  • We need 2 people to post meeting minutes to the website.  Michele E. will post Web committee meeting minutes and Chris D. will post the meeting minutes from the Suffolk General Service meeting.
  • Workshop will be held Monday, July 8th at Starbucks in Smithtown.  John will instruct Chris & Michele how to post the minutes.
  • John developed a Group Conscious for the Web Committee and also a job description for the Chair.  It was reviewed, minor wording changes were made, and both documents were accepted.
  • John is working with 1&1 to remove Curt’s name from their records.  He hopes to accomplish this by the next meeting.
  • At the last assembly John recruited 3 reporters.  This is a bold, new experiment.  The reporters will not be officially on the committee.  What they will do is send information (experiences, events, ideas) to the Editor, Kathy B., and she will post the items.  The 3 reporters are Nicole L., Hailey H., and Dan.
  • Received a letter from 1&1 regarding upgrading PHP.  John will forward to Amy to determine what the effect is on our Website.
  • There was also an Email Transmission Lock – Terry will look into this situation.

New Business –

  • Next Workshop – To Be Determined.


Our next meeting will be on July 19th, at 7 pm.

Meeting adjourned 7:45 pm.

Minutes respectfully submitted by Michele E.