Minutes ~ Suffolk General Service Meeting ~July 19th, 2013


  • Moment of  Silence followed by the Responsibility Declaration
  • Traditions read by: Jim S. (Riverhead Group)
  • A.A. Anniversaries ~ 8
  • Introduction of new GSR’s ,DCM’s and Alternates ~ 10
  • Volunteers for clean-up ~ David, Kevin, Kerri
  • Volunteers for August Greeters ~ Chris and Sal
  • Opened at 8:00 pm, 72  in attendance


Officer’s Reports

DCMC ~ Jarrett D.

  • Please make sure to pass Box 459 (subscribe on aaseny.org for free) and LINK out at your homegroup
  • Next Committee meeting is October 7th, 2013
  • Please be sure to obtain Service Handbook in order to better inform and properly educate self about service responsibilities


Alt. DCMC ~ Matt F.

  • Attended Brooklyn share-a-day for a half hour.
  • Reminded about NYS Informational Workshop at Notre Dame Retreat House Canandaigua, NY
  • Next SENY Assembly will be held on Sunday September 22nd at Cross Hill Academy 160 Bolmer Ave, Yonkers, NY 10703
  • All GSR’s have the responsibility to attend All SENY assemblies and such related events in order to carry group conscience and remain better informed.



Treasurer ~ George R. N/A

  • See Report


Registrar ~ Mike R.

  • New GSR’s please complete new reg. form. Looking for volunteer to help with duties.


Concept Speaker ~ Richie (Concept 4)

District meetings – 10 min-Please elect a DCM, Alternate, and or secretary if any are available & understand the commitment

If you don’t have a DCM, please read pgs. 18-19 of the SENY Handbook


Standing Committee Reports:


Archives- Bob R. – NR

Big Meeting- SIA is hosting this year.

Corrections- Troy W. NR

CPC – Joanne F.- NR

Grapevine- Kathy- NR

Group Conscience- Dean J.- If anyone is interested in getting involved please see me. Next meeting is 7-16 at 7pm in Mt. Sinai

LiteratureEddie W. – NR

LICYPAA Liaison- Izzy R.- July 14th, yoga event with $5 suggested donation. 10th annual luau Aug. 10th Starts in am ends at night Robert Moses field 3 pavilion. In addition, there will be book drive in order to distribute to treatment centers and outreach centers. Annual campout at Wildwood State park, September 6th to the 8th. $30 a person for entire weekend.

LI Spirituality Through Service (LISTS) – Jim S.-. LISTS Event will be in October 2013. Date remains undetermined due to conflict with Sharathon

Public Information- Tom C.- PI has been meeting with CPC. “Anonymity: We are not a secret society” True North Community Church, Saturday May 4th, 1-4. Committee will need help with set up and break down for this event. Please contact Tom for additional information.

        Service Participation- Vacant

Service Sponsorship – Geoff C.-Anyone who needs a service sponsor or would like to be a service sponsor please see or contact


Share A thon liaison- Chrissy H.-NR

Special Needs – Michele E –NR

Suffolk Intergroup LiaisonEd –NR 

Treatment Bridging the Gap- Vacant

Web Committee- John- Go to website for information, such as Post Conference assembly info. Email fiasco has been sorted out.

Next meeting will be dedicated to email set up. Website has begun to move away from the “static” front page. Web page design possibly runs the risk of violating tradition 7 because the designer has not taken any money as of yet.

Ad hoc Guidelines Committee for the unity Breakfast- Tom

Unity Breakfast Committee- Rick B.-Date of the event will be March 2nd, and price lock remains the same as in previous year $22 per ticket. Meeting will be held at SIA office Monday August 5th at 7:30.

Old Business:

Prudent Reserve- to change it to a % of 6 months- Tabled

Prudent reserve motion will be tabled until further notice.


New business:

Motion: To cover mileage, registration, and hotel expenses for accessibilities/special needs, CPC, Corrections,

Motion from last month has been withdrawn

Member of the body asked for assistance in handling a fellow group member.

Motion: to change the group conscience to remain a service entity, End meeting with the responsibility declaration.

Motion fails: 38 opposed, 9 in favor

Member to the body; Is it acceptable to bring AA literature to an outside facility?

Motion to close at 9:32pm