Minutes of SGS Web Committee

Friday, October 11, 2013, 7pm.

Trinity Evangelical Lutheran

Church Nursery School

716 Rte. 25A Rocky Point, NY



PRESENT: Terry, Chris D., Barbara Z., Joanne, Tom C., and Michele E.

Previous minutes accepted.

Terry’s Report: Terry is filling in for John. The breakdown for the $3,000 allotted for the website, as requested by one of the body, was to be reviewed, discussed, and decided on how to present to the body.

  • The breakdown should be handed out when Terry gets up to give his report.
  • Terry is going to table the discussion until John is with us, as he has the most knowledge of the individual line items.
  • He will tell the body to review the breakdown and it will be discussed at our next meeting.
  • It was brought up about putting the information on the website, this was quashed, as we do not want web browsers who are non A.A.’s to have access to this information. (The breakdown will be attached to the minutes, but not put up on the website.)
  • We were all very impressed with the breakdown, and agree 100% that transparency is the best way to keep the body informed.

(If anything else was discussed I don’t remember as there was an ammonia smell in the room and I had an allergic reaction to it. Thank goodness for tissues!)


Our next meeting will be on November 15th, at 7 pm.

Meeting adjourned 7:30 pm.





Minutes respectfully submitted by Michele E.