
  • Moment of Silence followed by the Responsibility Declaration
  • Traditions read by: Geoff
  • A.A. Anniversaries ~ 3
  • Introduction of new GSR’s ,DCM’s and Alternates ~ 12
  • Volunteers for clean-up ~ Chris, Richie, Tim
  • Volunteers for June Greeters ~ Geoff and Anne
  • Opened at 8:00 pm, 71 in attendance


Officer’s Reports

DCMC ~ Jarrett D.

  • Please make sure to pass Box 459 (subscribe on for free) and LINK out at your homegroup. Reported on post-conference article in BOX 4-5-9. Please be sure to obtain Service Handbook in order to better inform and properly educate self about service responsibilities
  • True North Community Church in Bohemia
  • Attended 2014 SENY Kick off meeting will take place June 28th 10 am at SENY office 1999 Lincoln Ave Bronx NY 10454
  • Available for Traditions & Group inventories.
  • Next Ad-Hoc Group Conscience Committee on July 22nd
  • SENY Assembly is coming in September. If you are available to stand for a positions and would like to know more about the commitment please see me.


Alt. DCMC ~ Matt F.

  • Attended SENY Committee Meeting.
  • Available for traditions meetings and group inventories
  • Next SENY Assembly- Area 49 Election Assembly-September 27th Church of St. Nicolas of Tolentine 2345 University Ave. Bronx, NY 10468
  • Unity Day in Manhattan at noon and LIYPCAA drum circle and boat cruise at 7pm.


Treasurer ~ George R. N/A

  • See Report-

Registrar ~ Anne Marie H.

  • Sign in sheets are on the tables so please update the information presented accordingly.


Concept Speaker ~ Kathy B. (Concept 7)


District meetings – 10 minPlease elect a DCM, Alternate, and or secretary if any are available & understand the commitment

If you don’t have a DCM, please read pgs. 18-19 of the SENY Handbook


Standing Committee Reports:



Archives- Bob R. – NR

Big Meeting- Michele E –“Sobriety through Service” Next committee meeting July 23rd at Intergroup office in Patchogue. There will be discussion on utilization of budget for 250-300 people; suggestions for the menu are welcome.

Corrections- Troy W. – There is a big need for corrections correspondence. Please see Troy for pamphlet. Bridging the Gap will be collaborating with SIA to extend reach of service. Forms and personal information will not be provided directly to treatment facilities. The DWI trailers have moved from Yaphank to Riverhead. Anyone looking for a new commitment, please see Troy after the meeting.

CPC – Joanne F.- NR

Grapevine- Kathy- NR

Group Conscience- Dean J. – NR

Ad Hoc Liability Insurance- Howard P.- One quote has been obtained from a “non admitted” company for $850 for insurance and $150 broker’s fee. Any additionally insured will be $50 or for a flat fee.

LiteratureEddie W. –NR

LICYPAA Liaison- Izzy R.- 11th Annual Luau August 2nd at 10 am at Robert Moses field 3 and rain date August 3rd. ESCYPAAA and NYCYPAA July 19th Unity day and “Fellow-Ship” Cruise through Manhattan $35/ticket Midtown Hilton 7pm

LI Spirituality Through Service (LISTS) – Jim S.- This is a service event to inform all attendees about service and our 3rd legacy. St. Francis College Brooklyn, NY Sunday August 10th 11am-5pm.

Public Information- Tom NR

Service Participation-Richie NR

Service Sponsorship – Geoff C.-NR

Share A thon liaison-Aubree- NR

Special Needs – Michele E/ Lucille NR

Suffolk Intergroup LiaisonEd A.–NR

Treatment Bridging the Gap- Vacant- Need to fill this position. Anyone interested, please see Jarrett D.

Unity Breakfast Committee- Sue – NR

Unity Breakfast Treasurer – Kathy B. – NR

Web We have been approached to facilitate other counties in the construction of their own individual sites based off of our template and SENY would pick up the bill for maintenance of our site moving forward. SENY voted to move its site from current platform to our platform WordPress. They also offered to host our website on their servers .


Old Business:

New business:

Motion to increase the budget for Long Island Spirituality through Service Event (LISTS) from $300 budget to $400. Motion CARRIES

Point of discussion; LICYPAA meeting merchandising commitment breaks the 6th tradition by endorsing and financing the AA name to an outside enterprise.

Motion to close at 9:40 pm