
  • Moment of Silence followed by the Responsibility Declaration
  • Traditions read by: Oliver from REBOS
  • A.A. Anniversaries ~ 5
  • Introduction of new GSR’s ,DCM’s and Alternates ~ 4
  • Volunteers for clean-up ~ Jim, Jeff & Erin
  • Volunteers for September Greeters ~ Chris & Lou
  • Opened at 8:00 pm, in attendance ~ 77


Officer’s Reports

DCMC ~ Jarrett D.

  • Our Next Meeting October 17th at North Community Church 1101 Lakeland Ave Bohemia, NY 11716. New GSR Orientation at 7:30pm and will continue to be there on the Third Friday of every month. Election meeting. If you are available to stand, please feel free to talk to the officers about what the commitment entails and how you can grow spiritually through serving
  • Attended SENY Convention Planning , Big Meeting, Unity Breakfast Kick-off Meeting

  • Available for group inventories and speaking on traditions. Conducted Group inventory at Doing It Young. Spoke on Traditions at Hauppauge Touchstones


Alt. DCMC ~ Matt F.

  • Available for traditions meetings and group inventories
  • Attended ESCPYAA , in Rochester next year
  • Attended NENYYPAA in Saratoga Springs
  • Attended SENY Convention planning meeting
  • 9/27 next assembly in the Bronx, Area elections including Delegate, bus schedule on treasurers report
  • 10/6 next Committee meeting in Bronx


Treasurer ~ George R. N/A

  • See Report- accepted

Registrar/Corresponding Secretary ~ Ann Marie H.

  • Sign in sheets are on the chairs so please update the information presented accordingly
  • New GSR change form or on SENY website


Concept Speaker ~Kyle N. (Concept 9)


District meetings – 10 minPlease elect a DCM, Alternate, and or secretary if any are available & understand the commitment

If you don’t have a DCM, please read pgs. 18-19 of the SENY Handbook


Standing Committee Reports:


Alanon Liason – Linda H Family Relationship workshop Nov 15 at St Matthews Church, Dix Hills.

Archives- Bob R. – NR

Big Meeting- Michele E – NR

Corrections- Troy W. –Bridging the Gap forms, anyone looking for correspondence participants please see Troy after the meeting.

CPC – Joanne F.- NR

Grapevine- Kathy- NR

Group Conscience- Dean J. – NR

Ad Hoc Liability Insurance- Howard P.- We are now insured by Atlantic Casualty. There will be a $50.00 charge for each additional insured certificate

LiteratureEddie W. –NR

LICYPAA Liaison- Izzy R.- meet 1st & 3rd Mondays of the month at South Oaks Chapel. Upcoming event 9/26-28 campout at Wildwood State Park. Service commitments open.

Public Information- Tom 631-374-3417 We need help for planning upcoming PSA. 3rd Tuesday at 7pm SIA office at 113 Bay Ave at Terrill. RSVP PI-CPC chair

Service Participation-Richie NR

Service Sponsorship – Geoff C.-NR

Share A thon liaison- NR

Special Needs – Michele E/ Lucille NR

Suffolk Intergroup LiaisonFred.– Updating meeting lists by October, has list of groups that will be removed and forms to stay on schedules

Treatment Bridging the Gap- Vacant- Need to fill this position. Anyone interested, please see Jarrett D.

Unity Breakfast Committee- Sue March 1, “Happy Joyous and Free” at East Wind. Next meeting 10/18 at 6 pm at SIA Office looking for committee members

Unity Breakfast Treasurer – Kathy B. – NR

Web Web committee positions available see John. Website visited 267 times. Will be migrating to SENY host late October/ early November


Old Business:

New business: Thanks to the General Service group for insurance process

Motion to close at 9:22 pm