Minutes of SGS Wild Web Workshop

Sunday, November 17, 2014, 10am – 4pm.

S.I.A. Office

Patchogue, NY

PRESENT: John J., Chairperson; Amy M., Terry M., Tom C., Joanne C., Michele and Geoff – Incoming Alt-DCMC, and Cindy our guest.

Food was delicious.

Chair’s Report:  Look at Suffolk’s new website!  We have a map.  It is not interactive.  If we don’t like the map as a background there are different plug-ins support headers on each page that can be applied.  Are there any other questions regarding the map?  Amy is going to make the website nice from a user’s perspective.  John is to email Amy with list of concerns from Terry.  Overall Amy thinks it’s awesome.   Discussion on which version is the best.   THE MAP (very loud voice) – Johnny C., in Hamptons, does graphics & maps and did one & gave it to John.  He tried to escape, but John invited him to the meeting. He didn’t show.  Objective is to make it interactive.  Click on District, then on a town and then you can see what meetings are in that town.  Finally, if you want to see the time you can scroll down and see that also.  He sent proposal to 3 different consultant companies.  Heard back from 2, one definitely not interested.  Three Rings Media seems interested and is working on it.  However, the money may be a concern.  We have to upload District numbers.  We also need an extract from S.I.A.   He has to contact the incoming Web person.  We will update our map 3-4 times a year.  This is a tool for the DCMs so they can see their district & what it entails.  Geoff thinks it is awesome.  John gave an extract to the consultant.  John asked Manny for a list of active groups and he said no he can send it to Jarrett.  John asked Jarrett to ask Manny for the list.  We do need the list from both S.I.A. & G.S.O.  John is willing to blow the whole budget on it.  We’ll deal with that when we get a price.  Amy suggested waiting until new S.I.A. Web Chair and ask her to code the map.  It may be difficult, but Geoff & Amy suggested if new S.I.A. person is connected at Stony Brook she will have access to students who may be able to help us.  Terry added that we may want somebody with a business license, etc.  John stated that this is a very specific map for G.S.O. only.  Amy said Young People were interested also.  The conversation then expanded to other counties and maybe upstate.  Bottom line we don’t have to deal with it until we see if we can afford the interactive map.  Geoff brought up the idea of the Spanish District meetings being on the site also.

Rotation – Amy doesn’t have to rotate out as she is a volunteer.

Is there any other Business?  Good Luck doing these minutes, Michele.

Next workshop – December 21, 2014, 10ish to 4ish – Finger food.

John presented Joanne with her official beanie.  She is now a member of the Order of the Geek!  She is now an official propeller head.

Then January go to a restaurant for the January Birthdays.

Meeting adjourned 3:30 pm.

                                                                                         Minutes respectfully submitted by Michele E.