Minutes of SGS Web Committee

Friday, July 18, 2014 7pm.

Trinity Evangelical Lutheran

Church Nursery School

716 Rte. 25A Rocky Point, NY

PRESENT: John J., Chairperson; Chris D., Terry M., Kathy B., and Michele.

Michele recommends moving to a picnic table that has a solid bench seat.  (I was afraid of falling through during the entire meeting!)

Chair’s Report:  John explained that SENY has decided to move its website to WordPress.  The way the site will work (hopefully) is that each of the counties / geographical areas that encompass Area 49 will be able to have individual websites, but if they accept SENY’s WordPress site, which will be interconnected.  In other words, information from the SENY site will trickle down to the individual county sites.  The county calendars will be in sync with the SENY calendar.  It is beneficial because we will not have to maintain our site in the manner we are now, (we are very dependent upon – Amy) and there will be no fees involved.  On the whole it will be a lot easier to maintain the county site and not worry about finding successive people to step up to the plate.  (Chris is outta Dodge!)  The site also allows leeway for the counties, but still maintaining standardization throughout the Area.  John thinks it’s a good set up.  John has developed a respect for WordPress.


Kathy B. Agrees.  So does Michele.

Terry wanted to know how the site will be linked on the backend.  Will there be separate directories?  John – There will be one database.  All the data will be in one place.  Some things are not clear yet – themes, plug ins.  They should be installed at the network level and filter down to subdirectories; but subdirectories can set things up themselves also.  Customization is easy.

Terry – If we have our own environment who will manage and advise.  John – There will be limits and guidelines.  Discussion of the guidelines John developed ensued.

What will happen to the old site?  Once the new site is up and running the old one will disappear.


John gave out QR codes for all to use.  These QR codes are scanned by your phone (with the downloaded app) and will direct you to the website.

Terry made a motion that the Suffolk Web Committee accept the SENY WordPress site.  The motion was unanimously accepted by the committee.

Calendar – Chris & John could not post an item (tour of General Service Office) to the calendar.  John will look into this.


Meeting adjourned 7:35 pm.

Minutes respectfully submitted by Michele E.