Minutes of SGS Web Committee

Friday, November 21, 2014 7pm.

True North Church Cafe

1101 Lakeland Avenue,

Bohemia, NY

PRESENT: John J., Chairperson; Chris D., Kathy B., Tom C., Joanne C., and Michele.


Chair’s Report:  In the process of winding down our rotation and that includes Michele, Joanne, Christine, etc.  So what we are trying to do is get people to sit on the committee.  We are also in the process of migrating our website to a new host (hosted by SENY).  The map – John sent out two or three proposals and he heard back from two, and received a quote from one.  (Guess how much – $2500, $5000, $10,000) The proposal came in at $8,000.  So I told the guy looking for a “station car” not an El Dorado!  So he asked what he could do to make it interactive.  Came back with $525.  Whew – nice.  Map is meant to define a District as the towns in the District and the meetings.  SIA has a new Webmaster, Kelly C.  Invited her to join us tonight.  I asked her for an export of the meeting list, and she came back apologizing because it took so long, 2 days!  Think we have someone we can work with.  The purpose of our list is so that the DCMs can manage their Districts.

Question:  Will the active meetings be lit up?  Yes, for another $500.   Our obligation is to just get the map up.

Tommy brought up about Intergroup being protective.


Amy – New site – pause.

Tommy noticed on new website that it takes so long to scroll down.  It’s hard to find things.  It goes on and on.

How does everyone like the new website?  I like it, Tommy likes it.

Joanne asked how to get to the new site?  John showed us.

Now waiting on Amy.

Discussion on everything.

Recruiting – John heard Amy might be interested in assuming the Chair position.  John described the position.  For minimum committee – Chair, Editor and Agenda Chair.  Agenda Chair takes care of putting events on the calendar.  Editor looks for items to put on the site.  Chair has to go to meetings in the Bronx.  Dave G.  stepped up as Chair.  Yea, Dave!

Joanne brought up the idea of an Alternate Chair.  We think it’s a good idea.


Workshop to be December 21st, 10ish to 4ish.  Bring finger food.  John is inviting all the incoming panel members & anyone who is interested in sitting on the committee to attend.

Minutes respectfully submitted by Michele E.