Minutes ~ Suffolk General Service Meeting ~ August 17, 2012


  • Moment of  Silence followed by the Responsibility Declaration
  • Minutes ~ from July 20, 2012 Meeting ~  minutes were amended and then accepted
  • Traditions ~  read by Susan
  • A.A. Anniversaries ~ 8
  • Introduction of new GSR’s ,DCM’s and Alternates ~ 7
  • Volunteers for clean up ~ Derek, Dave, Ed, Rick
  • Volunteers for September Greeters ~ Susan, Lucy, Howard
  • Opened at 8:00 pm, 80 in attendance

Officer’s Reports

       DCMC ~ Rob M.

  • September 22nd Area 49 is electing it’s trusted servants in Rockland County.  Bus schedule is on treasurer’s report.  3rd Legacy is how we elect service members.
  • Thank you to Hampton Bays Morning Miracles group for inviting to speak on traditions
  • We have a new key to the church that Jarrett will have since he comes early.
  • Attended NYS convention, went on my own dime, was not funded by the county.
  • Business meeting September, October elections, November inventory meeting not business, December business meeting

How do we find out the candidates for the elections?  We show up at election meeting and stand up if you are available



Alt. DCMC ~ Jarrett

  • Please see agenda for details



Treasurer ~ Susan

  • Line 72, last month that allocation was removed, shouldn’t have been removed so it is back in.  we have a balance of $926 after prudent reserve

Is this balance net of web allocation?  Yes

Line 7 bus contribution from corrections event?  There is an amount of $41 that will show next month

The bus from April had sent us a check of $500

Exit 45 pick up at 7:45 am

Treasurer report accepted


Registrar ~ Tom NA

  • Please give all new GSR registration forms to Jarrett



Concept VIII: Read by Rob


Seny Handbook page 49 read by Rob

8:30 pm: Discussion of most recent group inventory


Disturbed by #7.  Every member of SIA busts their back to carry tradition 5.


The first 10 items talk about confustion-John came up with a  PPP to help new GSR’s and it is now on the website.  WE have stressed service sponsorship a lot and have a chair for it.  We have an email list to send out important information to improve communication.


New GSR’s should be appointed a service sponsor right away.  Assign a service sponsor until they get one


We have a list of service sponsors available


I can relate to the confusion people are talking about.  Refer to service manual for specific instructions.


Moving the inventory to non-election year makes sense after people have been in the commitment for a year.


Reference #19-there is communication but not enough.  Seems there could be more communication between SIA and GS


Went to an event put on by SIA and GS and joined a committee to learn


Reference #11-SIA and GS are different entities.  SIA has more money to work with and more people get involved in the committees


Not enough time for district meetings-  the district often gets overlooked and it’s cronically an issue in suffolk


Reference #20- it’s the same as my home group, it takes time to learn and get involved that’s why the commitment is 2 years


There are a lot of new people here and the inventory talks about high turnover.  The motion was


Tonight is not the inventory, we had the inventory tonight we are discussing the inventory


My group requested this inventory, speaking with my district and another district in our periodic meetings.  These meetings have brought about committee members and a lot of these issues have been resolved.  We have talked about how to rectify these issues.


Reference 17 & 19-there is a sheet districuted by GSO that discusses how each entity has their own purpose but work together.  GS has an intergroup liason.


Reference #20-I think that’s very true and a few more could do work.  Sign up for service sponsorship, it’s available take advantage


We have been going over this for 9 months, GSR’s are supposed to be keepers of traditions and nothing else.


Reference #20-we need to examine us as a body, if we have any issues that’s where our service sponsors and DCM’s come in, consult with them, don’t think you know it all


We should go through number by number.  As DCM’s only about 4 of us go.  The alternate DCM’s should be giving a report about the SENY meeting instead of during the district meeting.


Reference #24-I was told to be GSR my first night at my group.  My understanding is it’s my responsibility to bring my groups conscience here and to SENY meetings.  I hear a lot of ego, bleeding deacons, entitlement, opinions.  I am still excited about GSR but I am confused by that message.


In the year and 3 months we did the scheduled inventory and I didn’t know what was going on.  I felt the same at my home group and it was my responsibility to find out what is going on.  Am I showing up for the things I said I was showing up for?  You have to look at your side of street to figure out what you can contribute


Suggest we say a prayer-Serenity Prayer


Reference #30- sums up the whole thing, new people maybe could be put at a table with people that know what is going on


Reference 21,22,24,26,27 are all positive and after inventory we have stepped up to change some things.  It’s time to move forward


Reference #24-this is like coming into the program all over again at a different level.  Principles over personalities is so important that we can’t stress it enough, that is where spirituality is service in action.  This has given my sobriety a sense of freshness.


Reference #33, 34- by the time you understand a commitment in AA you get voted out.  My first GSR commitment I did nothing.  Now I have a service sponsor, I go to assemblies.  My service sponsor told me if I can’t go to assemblies I should step down.


Reference #34-when I took on this commitment I didn’t know what was going on, I asked the men around the table what I was supposed to do.  The orientation was thorough and helped me and I took it again.  The day I think I know it all I am in trouble.


Reference #41-in recovery people scooped me up taught me what to do, not so much here.  I was lucky that I had home group members here that taught me what to do.


Reference #49-when I came to AA I learned that I had choices, I try to let people know that GSR is still alive and I am happy to give this commitment to someone who really wants it.  It’s your choice to get involved


When I first came here I didn’t know what was going on but I found out.  I read the literature that is available.  Listen to what the delegates have to say.  I benefited the most from making the effort.


Reference #43-as DCM make sure everyone in my district fills out a questionnairre.


IN my group they don’t care about the questionnairre because it’s a longer business meeting, it doesn’t get a lot of thought.


The job of the GSR is to represent your group in AA, the future of AA is within us the members.  Coming here is not your commitment, your job is to go to the assembly, that’s how the people in AA run AA.


Reference #50-rotating meeting places creates confustion.  What are you wiling to do? Anything


Reference #43- my group did vote on it but it seems like it’s behind.  Rob responds.


A lot of complaints about driving on Friday night, maybe meet on Thursday night since no other service organizations meet on that night.


Reference #48-sounds like these are things that decisions have been made on already.  What am I supposed to bring back to group?


Reference #44-I was one of the people that was confused, Rob asked me to give my opinion of the inventory, I did and he gave me the service manual and I got a service sponsor.  It is a great commitment, stick with it.


Reference #43-we did an ad hoc committee at my group to go through the questionaire and we had a lot of participation.


We took the questionairre and reduced it to 2 pages, asked people to take it home and have it back by a certain date, compiled results and sent them to delegate.


If you are going to be a GSR get a sponsor, you can’t do this on your own.  I am a big believer in inventory, it raises awareness.


Reference #42-we are adults, we should not have to spoonfeed people


Are there any districts that need to meet now? Or we will proceed with other business  No


Standing Committee Reports:


Archives-Bob- NA

Big Meeting-Cyndy- will be held November 10th, 5pm at True North church in Bohemia on Lakeland ave.  The next meeting I will have a flyer and between now and then Jarrett will have emailed it.  Speakers, entertainment set.  Theme is remaining teachable, service and sobriety, what is there to learn about ourselves through service.  We meet 1hr before every Suffolk GS meeting, we are looking for you to go back to your group for food donations. $450 is the rent for the location.  Committees can set up tables at the meeting.

Corrections- VACANT

CPC – Joanne- had at the movies with CPC and it was a smash, got some more ideas. We had some professionals attend the meeting.  Sunday Aug 6th next meeting.

Grapevine- Chris C – NR

LiteratureJosh P – NR

LICYPAA Liason- Mike R-NA/NR

Public Information- Tom C-NR

Service Sponsorship Kathy B – NR

Share A thon liason- Michele-Oct 28th 9am – 4:30pmat St Joseph’s college.  There are 14 openings for workshops

Special Needs – Michele – not meeting until Sept

LI Spirituality through service- Jarrett- The next meeting will be at the location of the event, the Penelope ave location

Suffolk Intergroup LiasonTom C-If you go to website they have accessibility forms for groups that are wheelchair accesible.  Aug 26th boat ride to sailor’s haven.  Sept 30th picnic – info on the website.

Service Participation ChairDevelyn A.- write down ideas for an upcoming event in November, this is also an event we are going to do with suffolk intergroup.  How many are on the committee?  A few helping out here and there

Treatment Bridging the Gap- Nicole-meeting Sept 19th 7pm at SIA office in patchogue, one list for anyone interested in joining the committee.  Second for anyone who is interested in being a contact for anyone coming out of treatment.

Web Committee- John- reference handout.

Writing Committee-VACANT-

Unity Breakfast – spoke with Eastwind, they will give us same price as last year, offering us first Sunday in March.  Does anyone object to us having it at same place? none

Group Conscience committee- Dean-


Old Business:

Motion to adjourn prudent reserve to next meeting.  seconded


New business:

Make a motion to discuss reducing website allocation from $3,000 to $700.  Seconded


There is no budget for the Big Meeting, rent is $450 and we intended to have food.  If we get 270 people we have an agreement from somewhere to provide sandwhiches and paper goods for $1,000.  If there is a budger for $1,000 we are 460 in the hole.  We also alloted $50 for bottled water.  We ask that dessert table be pot luck, a sheet cake will be $40.  After $1,000 budget we need $600.  Make a motion we give Big Meeting $1,600



Big meeting has a budget of 0.  It was an oversight that we didn’t include in the budget.  The budget was zero from last year so it carried over to this year.


Make a motion to give big meeting $1,600.  Seconded.


Can we afford?  Yes, we just received a contribution of $1,600 at the beginning of the meeting.

What was the budget last year? $1,000 but we had to ask for $400 more.  It was biggest meeting last year and we expect to be bigger this year.  Came to $1,200 and we gave $200 back.


Had a really great experience last year, looking forward to this one.

After the meeting last year an AA group was formed at that location

Will you recind the request from groups if you get the money?  No, the $1,600 does not include coffee etc that we are asking from groups.


The rent increased from $300, incorrect it was $450 last year.


Motion to vote, seconded,


For: 55 Opposed 1  no minority opinion


Make a motion we have a prayer chair at our county meeting.  Seconded


I think we have to keep in mind we are not a religious organization.

How about a spiritual chair?

11th step says sought through prayer and meditation


Make a motion to table this motion to next month.

For 48 opposed 1 motion carries



Motion to close