If you and your group members believe:

  • “…nothing will so much insure immunity from drinking as intensive work with other alcoholics”, (Alcoholics Anonymous, p. 89) and
  • “Our very lives, as ex-problem drinkers, depend upon our constant thought of others…” (Alcoholics Anonymous p. 20)

… the Corrections Committee has some great opportunities for you!!!

Three simple programs with minimal commitments of time are available to help you carry the message.

Bridging the Gap. AAs outside prison provide a temporary contact to AAs inside prison immediately after their release, giving that person an introduction to local groups and meetings in their area of residence. Commitments may be as brief as writing one letter and providing a trip to a meeting or as extensive as you deem appropriate.

Forms for AAs outisde are available as follows and can be mailed to Corrections Chair, PO Box 522, Shoreham, NY 11786-2922.

  • (English) www.aa.org/lang/en/pdf/products/f-162_AACorrectionsPreRelease_Outside.pdf
  • (Spanish) www.aa.org/lang/sp/pdf/products/sf-162_AACorrectionsPreRelease_Outside.pdf

Corrections Correspondence. AAs outside prison correspond with AAs inside prison to share their experience, strength and hope. This is a wonderful way to start your own meeting by mail or even take people through the Big Book.

Forms for outsiders are available as follows and can be sent to Corrections Desk, General Service Office, Box 459, Grand Central Station, New York, NY 10164.

  • (English) www.aa.org/pdf/products/f-26correctcorrespondence.pdf
  • (Spanish) www.aa.org/pdf/products/sf-26correctcorrespondence.pdf

SIA Correctional Facilities Meetings. Groups can carry the message to the DWI facility in Yaphank. Up to three men and three women provide a meeting in the format of your choice. Bring meeting lists and highlight your group to attract new members. Meetings run from ~7:00 PM – 8:20 PM. For more information or to volunteer your group, contact the SIA Corrections Chair – Doug V. Correct@SuffolkNY-AA.org.

For more information on these or other corrections programs, feel free to contact the Corrections Chair at: