The time has come for all Committee Chairs with web proclivities to take possession of their pages. Ask not what your website can do for you, but what you can do on your website. Yikes!

We will be holding a workshop on St Patrick’s Day to train web team members and Committee Chairs (including liaison-types and Event Chairs) on maintaining their events on our calendar and to post information about what the Committee is doing. For details click here.

CPC, PI, LICYPAA, Special Needs and Corrections are already on or soon to be online with their stuff. If they can do it, so can you (believe me).

Bill W wrote:

A vast communications net now covers the earth, even to its remotest reaches. Granting all its huge public benefits, this limitless world forum is nevertheless a hunting ground for all those who would seek money, acclaim, and power at the expense of society in general. Here the forces of good and evil are locked in struggle. All that is shoddy and destructive contests all that is best.

Therefore nothing can matter more to the future welfare of AA than the manner in which we use this colossus of communications.

The Language of the Heart, Nov 1960

Join the forces of good with us.

John J, Webchair