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Group Anniversaries

If your group would like to announce its anniversary on our website’s calendar, please send an email to Please include the date, the time and any other information you would like posted. The calendar entry will look like the sample below.

Suffolk in The Link

Do you have something from Suffolk to publish in The Link? Rob M, Chairman of the Link Standing Committee, has put together this schedule of submission deadlines, event coverage and distribution information for the four issues of The Link to be published through the end of the year. Contact Rob at for more information. […]


As service activity gears up after the summer, there’s nothing like a Share-a-Day to get the service juices flowing. There will be three of them nearby in September: With a theme of  Our Solution in Action, this all-day forum conducted by Queens GS on Saturday, September 7th  will have something for everyone. Click on the image […]


2013 NERF Report By Jarrett D.  DCMC For anyone that is not familiar with the Northeast Regional Forum, also known as NERF. It’s a weekend sharing session put on by the General Service office to help them stay in touch with A.A. members, trusted servants and newcomers to service throughout the A.A. service structure. The Northeast […]