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AA Service Material & GSR Orientation Material

AA Service Material Suffolk County General Service Articles of Association & Bylaws Suffolk County General Service Group Conscience SENY Service Handbook, Articles of Association, & By-Laws AA Service Manual including the 12 Concepts AA Concepts Checklist The 12 Traditions Illustrated The 12 Concepts For World Service New Treasurer Pamphlet GSR Orientation Material AA Manual – […]

SGS – Tech Committee Minutes – February 2023

Meeting Date / Time: 13-Feb-2023 @ 6:30 PM EST Opening: Read AA Responsibility Statement: Read the 12 Statements of Technology: February Meeting Minutes:  2023.2.13 SGS Tech Committee Meeting Minutes Close: Read AA Responsibility Statement: Respectfully Submitted Christian H. – Suffolk County General Service Tech Chair

SGS – Tech Committee Minutes – January 2023

Meeting Date / Time: 17-Jan-2023 @ 6:30 PM EST Opening: Responsibility statement: 12 Statements of Tech: January 2023 – SGS Tech Committee Meeting Minutes   Close: Responsibility statement: Respectfully Submitted Christian H. – Suffolk County General Service Tech Chair

Updating Zoom for SGS Assemblies

Please update your Zoom software to the latest version in order to use all the features we will be using in our assemblies.  Breakout room functionality, for example, has been enhanced in a recent Zoom update; you will need this update in order to take advantage of all the new breakout room features. To learn […]