Minutes of SGS Web Committee

Friday, December 20, 2013, 7pm.

Trinity Evangelical Lutheran

Church Nursery School

716 Rte. 25A Rocky Point, NY


PRESENT: John J., Chairperson; Terry, Chris D., Joanne, Tom C., Barbara, and Michele E.


Michele was late so this is basically what I wrote down.

I offered cookies as an amends for being late (even if it was traffic from Christmas shoppers).

We have to confirm that the S.I.A. office is available Sunday, January 5th from 10 – 4 for the workshop. Michele will call Fred.

Terry was fixing Barbara’s email.


Need someone to step up and take responsibility for the Home Page. (Don’t look Chris!) Also, we need to expand our viewing audience.

Quote by I’m not sure: Tommy is a breath of fresh air! All agree.

Who is bringing what to our Mexican themed workshop?

John – Chili & Rice Terry – Chicken tacos with all the fixings

Barbara – Guacamole Tommy & Joanne – Empanadas

Chris D. – Chips & Dip Mish – Dessert

Birthday Dinner – Date: January 20, 2014 meeting at 6:30 House of Dosas. (It’s the age of the internet, look it up!)

Joanne & Tom are having a workshop on carrying the message – “I heard it through the Grapevine”.

Meeting took on a life of its own. No more to report.

Meeting adjourned 7:40 pm.


Minutes respectfully submitted by Michele E.