Minutes of SGS Web Committee

Friday, June 27, 2014 7pm.

Trinity Evangelical Lutheran


PRESENT: John J., Chairperson; Chris D., Terry M., John C., Mark (visitor), Troy (visitor) and Michele.

Last month’s minutes – lost! Michele still looking.


Chair’s Report: John introduced John C. who will be working on getting the map(s) up on the website. Welcome John!

John explained that our website must be changed or we will have to pay fees to use the site and maintain it; then he explained about the new SENY website. It may be possible that updates to the SENY website would trickle down to the county sites. User Names and Passwords would be created by the person using the site, i.e. P.I. Chair would set up his own profile using his personal email. When the chair’s complete (or step down from) their commitment they would change their profile to a regular subscription.




Meeting adjourned 7:35 pm.


Minutes respectfully submitted by Michele E.