Minutes ~ Suffolk General Service Meeting ~April 18th, 2014


  • Moment of Silence followed by the Responsibility Declaration
  • Traditions read by: Andrew (Sobriety First)
  • A.A. Anniversaries ~ 5
  • Introduction of new GSR’s ,DCM’s and Alternates ~ 6
  • Volunteers for clean-up ~ Kevin, Kyle, and Izzy
  • Volunteers for May Greeters ~ Paul and Rick
  • Opened at 8:00 pm, 90 in attendance

Officer’s Reports

DCMC ~ Jarrett D.

  • Please make sure to pass Box 459 (subscribe on aaseny.org for free) and LINK out at your homegroup
  • Please be sure to obtain Service Handbook in order to better inform and properly educate self about service responsibilities
  • Our Next Meeting May 16th, 2014 Trinity Lutheran Church 716 Route 25A Rocky Point, NY 8PM. As of September we will be need a new meeting place for at least 9 months because the current church will be under renovations.
  • Next SENY Assembly- Pre-Conference Assembly 4-12-14 George Fisher Middle School 281 Fair Street, Carmel, NY 10512
  • Attended 2014 SENY Convention March 21st-23rd at the Westchester Marriot hotel
  • Available for Traditions & Group inventories.
  • Wrote an article for The Link.

Alt. DCMC ~ Matt F.

  • Attended SENY Committee Meeting.
  • Available for traditions meetings and group inventories
  • Next SENY Committee meeting to be held May 5th 2014.
  • Attended Delegate’s Day of Sharing March 15th, 2014 at the Archdiocesan Church of the Holy Trinity, 337 East 74th Street, New York, NY 10021, at 9:00 am Delegate’s Questionnaires @ aasuffolkgs-ny.org
  • Attended SENY Convention in Tarrytown.

Treasurer ~ George R. N/A

  • See Report-

Registrar ~ Anne Marie H.

  • Sign in sheets are on the tables so please update the information presented accordingly.


Concept Speaker ~ Matt F. (Concept 4)

District meetings – 10 min-Please elect a DCM, Alternate, and or secretary if any are available & understand the commitment

If you don’t have a DCM, please read pgs. 18-19 of the SENY Handbook


Standing Committee Reports:


Archives- Bob R. – NR

Big Meeting- Michele E –. KICKOFF MEETING- April 23rd @ 7PM at the SIA Office in Patchogue.

Corrections- Troy W. – There is a big need for corrections correspondence. Please see Troy for pamphlet. Bridging the Gap will be collaborating with SIA to extend reach of service. Forms and personal information will not be provided directly to treatment facilities.

CPC – Joanne F.- PI/CPC Meeting is on the Third Tuesday of every month at the SIA Office in Patchogue @ 7pm.Contact Tom or Joanne for more information

Grapevine- Kathy-NR.

Group Conscience- Dean J. – If anyone is interested in getting involved please see me.

Ad Hoc Liability Insurance- Howard P.- Needs to gather in and put small committee together to investigate purchase of liability insurance. There are a few items in which need to be researched prior to purchasing the insurance; 1: limits (million dollar insurance?) 2: average number of people at each events 3: if the places require that we have insurance, will the need additionally insured?

LiteratureEddie W. – If you would like to order your 75th Anniversary Big Book please see me.

LICYPAA Liaison- Izzy R.- Licypaa is having a book drive for adolescent institutions without AA literature. They are asking for gently used big books, 12&12’s and YP pamphlets. Hosting Traditions Workshop with NYCYPAA with Lunch and dance on May 4th at Antun’s Catering Hall 96-43 Springfield Blvd. Queens Village from 2PM-6PM.

LI Spirituality Through Service (LISTS) – Jim S.- NR-.DCMCs of the four counties are meeting shortly with the new Event Chair Mel Alt-DCMC from Brooklyn. Event tentatively set for August 10th.

Public Information- Tom PI/CPC Meeting is on the Third Tuesday of every month at the SIA Office in Patchogue @ 7pm.Contact Tom or Joanne for more information.

       Service Participation- Richie– Service resume provided tonight. No objections from the body.

Service Sponsorship – Geoff C.-Anyone who needs a service sponsor or would like to be a service sponsor please see or contact


Share A thon liaison-Susan-. Gave service resume.

Special Needs – Michele E/ Lucille –On May 4th in Downtown “Brooklyn Special Needs Share A Day”Remsen Street inBrooklyn.

Suffolk Intergroup LiaisonEd A.–NR

Treatment Bridging the Gap- Vacant- Need to fill this position. Anyone interested, please see Jarrett D.

Web Committee- John- -web@aasuffolkgs-ny.org- website would like to have submissions from members on their experience, strength and hope regarding service and some of the benefits and joys from being involved in service.

Unity Breakfast Committee- Rick B.- The event went off quite well and all had a great time.

Unit breakfast Final treasurers report Linda – Final report is available at the back table. Sold a total 1184 tickets. Total income was $28,732 and total output $26,763.20 for a surplus of $1,968.80. Simple majority accepts final report.

AA Hotline – Dolores – The phones are moving along very well. The County is only lacking two phone districts within the county. Please make sure your group fills out an AA Call List. Every group should have the opportunity to serve in this capacity.


Old Business:

Prudent Reserve- to change it to a % of 6 months- Tabled

Prudent reserve motion will be tabled until further notice.

New business:

Motion to close at 9:26 pm


Linda McG Questionnaire Forum:

  • Can the questionnaire be mailed in a day or two late? – Absolutely
  • How do we find out what the final decision will be for each question? – Linda will give a full report of the entire agenda at the “Post Conference Assembly.” Thereafter in the Blue Final conference report it will address all the issues from the conference.
  • Where would the money proposed for the updated Corrections video come from? – Linda will look into where and how the budget will be put together.
  • Will what is being discussed at the General Service Conference affect AA globally? – No. AA world service has their own global General Service Office in Finland.
  • Do you find out who your conference buddy is before the conference? – They mail out a letter and provide your buddy’s information.
  • What is panel 63? – This year is the 64th GS Conference. Linda is panel 63 because her first conference was the 63rd annual General Service Conference.