Minutes ~ Suffolk General Service Meeting ~November 15th, 2013


  • Moment of  Silence followed by the Responsibility Declaration
  • Traditions read by: Lucille (Old Time AA)
  • A.A. Anniversaries ~ 7
  • Introduction of new GSR’s ,DCM’s and Alternates ~ 6
  • Volunteers for clean-up ~ Ben, Jack, David
  • Volunteers for November Greeters ~ Andrew and Paul
  • Opened at 8:00 pm, 90  in attendance


Officer’s Reports

DCMC ~ Jarrett D.

  • Please make sure to pass Box 459 (subscribe on aaseny.org for free) and LINK out at your homegroup
  • Please be sure to obtain Service Handbook in order to better inform and properly educate self about service responsibilities
  • Will update General Service location on meeting list
  • SENY Assembly 11/16/13. No buses, only car pool at the park and rides.
  • Will be attending The Hispanic District La Assemblia in Suffolk, Sunday November 17th 10am-2pm.
  • Attended LISTS meeting, 2014 SENY Convention Planning meeting- Convention flyers are in Nov. LINK


Alt. DCMC ~ Matt F.

  • Attended SENY Assembly. Meeting was very well attended. Approximately 30 representatives from Suffolk GS.
  • Has been working with LICYPAA to get bid for ESCYPAA.
  • Next SENY Assembly will be held November 16th at Nassau Community College 9am-3pm.
  • Next SENY Committee meeting to be held December 2nd, 2013
  • 75th Anniversary edition of the Big Book preorder forms are available in the LINK and on the website.
  • Has been heavily involved in LICYPAA and sent up bid for the Empire state convention. We did not win, but a LICYPAA has constructed a “Bid Committee” to help put the word out for the interest of young people on Long Island to get involved in Conventions.


Treasurer ~ George R. N/A

  • See Report


Registrar ~ Mike R.

  • New GSR’s please complete new reg. form. Looking for volunteer to help with duties.
  • Responsibilities of the registrar will be updated over next several months to eliminate redundancy and redefine commitment for future officers.
  • New way to register for GSRs and Alternate GSRs; got to AASENY.com. Then click the Service Resources, click Service update forms. Please remember your group service # and District # from the sign in sheets.


Concept Speaker ~ Tom C (Concept 11)

District meetings – 10 min-Please elect a DCM, Alternate, and or secretary if any are available & understand the commitment

If you don’t have a DCM, please read pgs. 18-19 of the SENY Handbook


Standing Committee Reports:


Archives- Bob R. – NR

Big Meeting- SIA is hosting this year.  November 16th @ 6pm (same day as SENY Assembly)

Corrections- Troy W. – There is a big need for corrections correspondence. Please see Troy for pamphlet. Bridging the Gap will be collaborating with SIA to extend reach of service.  Forms and personal information will not be provided directly to treatment facilities.

CPC – Joanne F.- NR

Grapevine- Kathy- The grapevine needs money for pocket calendars, Traditions checklists, etc. Anyone interested in helping out committee are welcome.

Group Conscience- Dean J. – If anyone is interested in getting involved please see me. Next meeting is 7-16 at 7pm in Mt. Sinai

LiteratureEddie W. – NR

LICYPAA Liaison- Izzy R.-LICYPAA did not win the bid for the 2014 Empire state convention, but a committee has been form in order to better prepare for next year’s bid.  LICYPAA is having an ongoing book drive for gently used literature and pamphlets. January 10th at True North there will be a Young People’s movie night as well as talk of filming a Young People’s video in English and Spanish.

LI Spirituality Through Service (LISTS) – Jim S.-. LISTS Event will be in October 2013. Date remains undetermined due to conflict with ShareAthon

Public Information- Tom October 26th; there will be a workshop to speak at schools and with professional communities. October 20th PI/CPC meeting at SIA office at 12pm orientation and 1pm meeting. Next PI meeting will be October 15th at SIA at 7pm (always 3 Tuesday of the month). Suffolk County Emergency room project will allow cooperation with AA and Emergency room professionals.

        Service Participation- Vacant

Service Sponsorship – Geoff C.-Anyone who needs a service sponsor or would like to be a service sponsor please see or contact


Share A thon liaison- Chrissy H.- Share-a-thon will be held at St. Joseph’s college October 13th 9am-4:30pm. Need moderators (to introduce speaker and keep order in meeting) for two shifts. Please see Chrissy after meeting.

Special Needs – Michele E – Lucy to be new Special Needs alternate. Attended meeting in the city and will be proposing idea for Special Needs Share a Day. Will hopefully have workshop at the end of the year; Topic: “You’re never too young for special needs”

Suffolk Intergroup LiaisonEd –Suffolk Intergroup is having their elections next month. Anybody in GS interested in running for an intergroup position, please see Bob after the meeting.

Treatment Bridging the Gap- Vacant

Web Committee- John- Go to website for information, such as Post Conference assembly info. The budget of $2050 which was allocated to the committee has been handed out and reviewed by the body. Please see handout.

Ad hoc Guidelines Committee for the unity Breakfast- Tom – Handouts given for the guidelines for the Unity Breakfast; please refer to handout.

Unity Breakfast Committee- Rick B.-Date of the event will be March 2nd, and price lock remains the same as in previous year $22 per ticket. Meeting will be held at SIA office Monday August 5th at 7:30. Rick is looking into improving the sounds system. This event will remain a CASH ONLY Event; however a GROUP CHECK in the full amount of $230 for 10 tickets will be accepted.

Old Business:

Prudent Reserve- to change it to a % of 6 months- Tabled

Prudent reserve motion will be tabled until further notice.


New business:

Motion: To allow the web committee to expense the allotted $2050 for the website development that was allotted at October 2011 meeting.

85 in favor, 0 opposition, 1 abstention (motion carries)

Motion: to give Grapevine committee $150 to add to YTD budget.

64 in favor, 0 opposition, 1 abstention (motion carries)

Motion: Give up asking for a suggested donation on the SENY assembly bus.

57 in favor, 3 opposed, 3 abstentions (motion carries)


Motion to close at 9:34pm