Minutes ~ Suffolk General Service Meeting ~ October 19, 2012


  • Moment of  Silence followed by the Responsibility Declaration
  • Minutes ~ from September 21st Meeting ~ Minutes read by Rob M.- minutes accepted
  • Traditions ~  read by Tom H from Melville Sweet Air
  • A.A. Anniversaries ~ 2
  • Introduction of new GSR’s ,DCM’s and Alternates ~ 7
  • Volunteers for clean-up ~ Derek, David, Kevin
  • Volunteers for October Greeters ~ Susan, Ed
  • Opened at 8:00 pm, 77 in attendance

Officer’s Reports

       DCMC ~ Rob M.

  • SENY AREA 49 Assembly, Bronx 10am-3pm November 3rd
  • If you are not receiving emails from SENY please see the Corresponding Secretary
  • Church will be close on the day of next month’s County Meeting. Need to reschedule for a different day
  • Motion to have the Meeting November 9th– Seconded Vote- 56 in favor, 2 opposed, 0 abstentions

No Minority Opinion- Motion Carries– Next Business Meeting will be November 9th same time.


Alt. DCMC ~ Jarrett

  • Attended SENY AREA 49 Committee meeting Oct 1st Next will be November 5th
  • Attended LISTS- Thanked everyone for coming and participating
  • Bus sign-up sheet passed for Assembly on November 3rd


Treasurer ~ Susan

  • See Report- Bus Schedule to Assembly provided
  • DCMs should be submitting expenses
  • Members are needed for upcoming  finance committee meeting
  • Minutes Accepted

Registrar ~ Tom

  • Please return filled out registration sheets
  • Please fill out sign-in sheets for roll call for the elections, also make sure the info is correct on the sign-in sheets
  • If you would like new forms, please check aaseny.org for forms


Rob M. briefly read about Third Legacy Procedure from the AA Service Manual before introducing Ed. C, Past Suffolk County DCMC to facilitate the Elections


Third Legacy Elections- Facilitated by Ed C.- Mentioned that the election process works best with a large selection of candidates

  • Who can vote, who is eligible to stand, that 2/3 majority is needed to elect
  • Read about service from As Bill Sees It
  • Talked about importance of service found in Box 4-5-9
  • Discussed Concepts IX & XI

Newly Elected Officers

  • DCMC- Jarrett D.
  • Alt-DCMC- Matt F.
  • Treasurer- George R.
  • Corresponding Secretary- Mike R.

Motion to have Recording Secretary an appointed Position by the new DCMC- mentioned that SENY does it that way- Vote- 53 for-3 against -0 opposed Minority Opinion- If we have it as an elected position it will give members an opportunity to stand. Vote to revote failed. Motion Carries. Recording Secretary will be an appoint position by the new DCMC


Standing Committee Reports:

No reports were given by committee chairs due to it being an election month, but the announcements were in the agenda

Archives-Bob- NR

Big Meeting-Cyndy-Big Meeting Nov 10th 5pm True North Community Church 1101 Lakeland Ave Bohemia, NY 11716.Remaining Teachable is topic, Looking for donations of coffee, milk, paper goods and water. Flyers Available

CPC~ Joanne- CPC@aasuffolkgs-ny.org- Emergency Room program

Corrections~ Kevin T- NR

Grapevine~ Chris C– NR

Group Conscience~ Dean J- NR

Literature~ Josh P– New book order forms are available, great for Holiday presents

LICYPAA Liaison~ Matt- we meet second Monday of the month in South Oaks chapel 8:15pm

LISTS Liaison~ Jarrett D- Event was a success! Thanks to all that attended and participated in the event. Wrap-up meeting Nov. 3rd at SENY Assembly

Public Information- Tom C- NR

Service Participation~ Develyn A- NR

Service Sponsorship Kathy B – Please see me if you need a service sponsor, call, email, or on the bus tomorrow

Share A thon liaison- Michele- October 28th, 2012 Sunday 9am-430pm St. Joseph’s College 155 West Roe Blvd Patchogue, NY 11772. Still need speakers for meetings- please contact me.

Special Needs – Michele – Oct 27th at the True North church 1-3pm, special needs 101.

Suffolk Intergroup LiaisonTom C– for additional info, please visit SIA website

Treatment Bridging the Gap- Nicole-NR

Unity Breakfast 2013~ Linda C- Kick off meeting will be Monday October 29th at the SIA Office

Web Committee- John- web@aasuffolkgs-ny.org committee meets @ 7pm prior to this meeting. All are welcome

Writing Committee-VACANT- contact Rob M


Old Business:


Prudent Reserve- to change it to a % of 6 months- tabled


New business: None


Motion to close

Close with the Serenity Prayer