Minutes ~ Suffolk General Service Meeting ~ January 18, 2013


  • Moment of  Silence followed by the Responsibility Declaration
  • Minutes ~ from December 21, 2012 Meeting ~  minutes accepted
  • Traditions ~  read by Dan (Cleary School Group)
  • A.A. Anniversaries ~ 7
  • Introduction of new GSR’s ,DCM’s and Alternates ~ 22
  • Volunteers for clean-up ~ Derek, Chris, Mary Jo
  • Volunteers for February Greeters ~ Kris and Michelle
  • Opened at 8:00 pm, 108 in attendance

Officer’s Reports

DCMC ~ Jarrett D.

  • 2013 SENY Convention March 22nd-March 24th Westchester Marriott, Tarrytown, NY. Register at aaseny.org
  • SENY Assembly Saturday 1/26/13 Manhattan, Schedule for treasurers’ report


Alt. DCMC ~ Matt F.

  • Attended SENY AREA 49 Committee meeting  January 7th
    • Linda McG gave report: listed topics that should be discussed in groups, districts and counties.
      • The Triangle; more than a shape
      • AA service conference inventory; why is it necessary?
      • Self Support and what does it mean to the fellowship
      • Primary Purpose; Carrying the message.
      • SENY committee meeting March 4th 2013. All are welcome
      • NERF June 7th-9th 2013 in Cromwell Connecticut. Approved a bus for June 8th only. $1200 with a suggested donation from riders

Treasurer ~ George R. N/A

  • Treasurer’s Report Approved

Registrar ~ Mike R.

  • Fill out sign-up sheets if you are new or changed service positions
  • If you are a new group, please fill out new group form or if changes, change group form


Concept Speaker ~ Nicole (Concept 1)

District meetings – 10 min-Please elect a DCM, Alternate, and or secretary if any are available & understand the commitment

If you don’t have a DCM, please read pgs. 18-19 of the SENY Handbook

Standing Committee Reports:

Archives- TBA

Big Meeting- TBD

Corrections- Troy W.– Attended corrections committee meeting in city. GS has 2 programs geared towards members in AA inside and outside prison. (Bridging the Gap) 1 man and 1 woman from each district for contact with newly released inmates. (Corrections correspondence) AA’s outside write to AA inmates. Goal is to open more collaboration with SIA. Any groups interested in taking meetings to inmate facility please contact Troy. Troy need Co-Chair no time requirement, only desire to stay sober

CPC – Joanne- Kick-off meeting for the SCERP Suffolk County Emergency Room Project January 13, 2013 at SIA Office at 1:30pm

Grapevine- Kathy-NR


LICYPAA Liaison- Izzie R.-NR

LI Spirituality Through Service (Lists)- TBD- Brooklyn will Host in 2013. Cathy M. from Brooklyn is the new Chair. If interested in joining committee. Please email longislandsts@yahoo.com or attend kick off meeting in February.

Public Information- Tom C- Working on a project with CPC, emergency room project. Trying to educate on Anonymity. Working with Special needs as well in the Nursing homes.

        Service Participation- Develyn A- Hosting event with LICYPAA and SIA-Young Peoples Movie Day Saturday Feb. 9th 3-6pm South

Shore Christian Church 36 Bayshore Rd. West Islip, NY 11795. All Welcome to attend. Flyers are on back table.

Service Sponsorship TBD

Share A thon liaison- TBA

Special Needs – Michele E.- NR

Suffolk Intergroup LiaisonTom C– the exchange meeting is being reviewed to see how it can be made better, more organized.

Treatment Bridging the Gap- TBD

Web Committee- John- Last month new site went live. www.aasuffolkgs-ny.org Please visit site for additional information.

Writing Committee-VACANT-

Unity Breakfast- Linda C.- “Living in the Solution” March 3rd at East Wind Caterers / Conference Center 5720 Rte. 25A, Wading River, NY 9:00 AM – 1:00 PM  Tickets are $22. Cash only and exact change preferred. Tickets will be sold at conclusion of meeting tonight to GSRs and groups that did not yet purchase. The remainder will be open for purchase after. Please inform Linda of any AA members with special needs who will attend event. (Food allergy, ASL, etc.) There will be NO CASH REFUNDS at the door. Refunds will be distributed up until February 15th meeting. Please see Linda after meeting to submit volunteer information.

Group Conscience committee- Dean J.-NR


Old Business:

Prudent Reserve- to change it to a % of 6 months- Tabled


New business:

Question: Can monthly minutes be mailed out for GSRs that are not in attendance?

  • Minutes are available online, so a mailing would be unnecessary. DCM, Alt. GSR or any other GRS can provide updated minutes.
  • Job of GSR is to attend all meetings and assemblies to remain informed.

Question: Can bus schedules be made public through the website to keep GSRs informed?

  • Bus schedule will be available tomorrow on website

Question: Is the CPC information available?

  • There were no minutes for meeting bc it was a demonstration on how to make a  presentation. Next meeting- February 10, 2013 at SIA office.

Motion to close at 9:19pm